Year/Clients | What we did and where |
2020/Wood Chips doo |
Consultancy in wood chips production certification according to GoodChips certification scheme |
2020/KikoProm |
Consultancy in wood chips production certification according to GoodChips certification scheme |
2020/RARIS |
Consultancy in woody biomass supply studies for selected cities in Eastern Serbia |
2019/Ambero |
Consultancy in preparation of woody biomass potentials and logistics studies for municipalities in Serbia and woody biomass supply trainings |
2019/Sbiom |
Consultancy in wood pellet factory bussiness restructuring |
2018/CES and iC consulenten for KfW Development Bank |
Consultancy in woody biomass logistics for DH companies/KfW credit line applicants in Serbia |
2018/Slovwood, Mondi, Slovakia | Serbian Forestry, Forest Management, Wood Production and Wood Market Study |
2018/CES and iC consulenten for Wiener Hafen und Lager Ausbau- und Vermögensverwaltung, GmbH & Co. KG | Consultancy in wood and woody biomass potentials and logistics / Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine |
2018/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Consultancy in preparation of woody biomass potentials and logistics studies for municipalities in Serbia and woody biomass supply trainings |
2018/Biopoplar SRL, Italy for Lacroix Group, France | Consultancy in land acquisitions and establishment of poplar plantations in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina for packaging plant in Hungary |
2018/Bioenergy KGH for SM Energy, Serbia | Consultancy in agro biomass and manure supply and logistics for biogas plant in Serbia |
2016-2018/Biomass & Forestry Management doo, Serbia | Development of wood biomass processing, logistics and trade activities |
2016-2018/Revara Biomass Power doo, Serbia | Development of CHPs pipeline in Eastern Serbia |
2014-2018/Tersa Balkan doo, Serbia | Consultancy in biomass procurement for CHP plant in Serbia |
2017/with SERBIO for GIZ DKTI | Wood chips quality training for selected cities in Serbia |
2017/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Study on Agro biomass availability in Serbia |
2017/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Training on sustainable biomass supply chains for production of wood based fuel for the Serbian forest extension service and private forest owners |
2017/GFA Consulting Group, Germany for EBRD | Consultancy in biomass supply in frame of Feasibility Study for CHP/DH in Sabac, Serbia |
2015-2017/with SERBIO in BioRES, EU Horizon 2020 Project | Managing the project aimed in development of Biomass Logistic and Trade centers in Serbia |
2016/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Preparation of Agricultural biomass potential and supply study for City of Senta and delivery of Training on sustainable biomass supply chains for production of wood-based fuel for the Serbian forest extension service and private forest owners, Serbia |
2016/Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Germany | Biomass supply and logistics training in Serbia |
2015/Clean Energy Solutions, Austria | Consultancy in wood chips supply, pricing and contracting for DH plants in frame of Pre/feasibility studies for cities/municipalities: Nova Varos, Novi Pazar, Prijepolje and Mali Zvornik |
2015/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Design of Cluster supply for wood chips for municipalities or Prijpolje, Priboj and Nova Varos and training for woody biomass supply for suppliers of CHP in Krusevac, Serbia |
2015/Revara srl, Italy | Consultancy in wood pellet procurement for Italian market from Balkans, Baltics, Ukraine and Russia, wood supply and development of wood pellet factory in Western Balkans/ Serbia, Croatia, B&H, Montenegro, Baltic counties, Ukraine, Russia |
2014-2015/Suma Plan doo, B&H | Consulting in forest management planning in National Park Djerdap for Forest Management units: Derdap, Desna Reka, Cezava, Leva Reka, Boljetinka, Serbia |
2014/Masinoprojekt Kopring AD, Belgrade, Serbia | Preparation on Study on agro biomass mobilization potentials for CHP power plant in PKB, Belgrade, Serbia |
2014/Suprojekt doo, Subotica | Project of Multifunctional riparian buffer for Palic Lake, Serbia |
2014/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office | Preparation of the Study of wood pellet production and consumption in Serbia |
2014/RES Invest Holding GmbH, Austria | Consultancy in biomass procurement for district heating plants in Serbia |
2014/REECO SRB doo, Serbia | Organization of Biomass/Bioenergy Conference BEO2014 in frame of RENEXPO WB fair in Belgrade, Serbia |
2013-2014/iC consulenten, Austria | Biomass availability assessment in selected regions for CHP and DH development in frame of Pre-feasibility Studies for Serbian cities/municipalities: Bajina Bašta, Čačak, Jagodina, Kikinda, Kladovo, Knjaževac, Kosjerić, Negotin, Nova Varoš, Novi Pazar, Priboj, Šabac, Trstenik, Velika Plana, Zrenjanin |
2012-2014/Resurs centre Majdanpek, Serbia | Developing guidelines for private forest owners on wood and biomass products, machinery procurement and training program for biomass logistic and trade centre, Serbia |
2012-2014/GreenGold Asset Management AB, Stockholm, Sweden | Analysing opportunities for investments in forestry and agriculture in Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia |
2013/Romply Merops, SRL, Calarasi, Romania | Procurement of raw material from Serbia and Croatia for plywood factory in Romania, Development of veneer capacities in Croatia |
2013/Bioten SA, Thessaloniki, Greece | Development of pellet and charcoal production and trade in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina |
2013/CNVP, Netherlands | Organizing CNVP activities related to private forest owners’ associations in Serbia |