

Year/Clients What we did and where

2020/Wood Chips doo

Consultancy in wood chips production certification according to GoodChips certification scheme


Consultancy in wood chips production certification according to GoodChips certification scheme


Consultancy in woody biomass supply studies for selected cities in Eastern Serbia


Consultancy in preparation of woody biomass potentials and logistics studies for municipalities in Serbia and woody biomass supply trainings 


Consultancy in wood pellet factory bussiness restructuring 

2018/CES and iC consulenten for KfW Development Bank

Consultancy in woody biomass logistics for DH companies/KfW credit line applicants in Serbia
2018/Slovwood, Mondi, Slovakia  Serbian Forestry, Forest Management, Wood Production and Wood Market Study
 2018/CES and iC consulenten for Wiener Hafen und Lager Ausbau- und Vermögensverwaltung, GmbH & Co. KG  Consultancy in wood and woody biomass potentials and logistics / Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine
 2018/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Consultancy in preparation of woody biomass potentials and logistics studies for municipalities in Serbia and woody biomass supply trainings 
 2018/Biopoplar SRL, Italy for Lacroix Group, France  Consultancy in land acquisitions and establishment of poplar plantations in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina for packaging plant in Hungary
2018/Bioenergy KGH for SM Energy, Serbia  Consultancy in agro biomass and manure supply and logistics for biogas plant in Serbia
2016-2018/Biomass & Forestry Management doo, Serbia Development of wood biomass processing, logistics and trade activities
2016-2018/Revara Biomass Power doo, Serbia Development of CHPs pipeline in Eastern Serbia
2014-2018/Tersa Balkan doo, Serbia Consultancy in biomass procurement for CHP plant in Serbia
2017/with SERBIO for GIZ DKTI Wood chips quality training for selected cities in Serbia
2017/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Study on Agro biomass availability in Serbia
2017/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Training on sustainable biomass supply chains for production of wood based fuel for the Serbian forest extension service and private forest owners
2017/GFA Consulting Group, Germany for EBRD  Consultancy in biomass supply in frame of Feasibility Study for CHP/DH in Sabac, Serbia
 2015-2017/with SERBIO in BioRES, EU Horizon 2020 Project  Managing the project aimed in development of Biomass Logistic and Trade centers in Serbia
2016/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Preparation of Agricultural biomass potential and supply study for City of Senta and delivery of Training on sustainable biomass supply chains for production of wood-based fuel for the Serbian forest extension service and private forest owners, Serbia
2016/Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Germany  Biomass supply and logistics training in Serbia
2015/Clean Energy Solutions, Austria  Consultancy in wood chips supply, pricing and contracting for DH plants in frame of Pre/feasibility studies for cities/municipalities: Nova Varos, Novi Pazar, Prijepolje and Mali Zvornik
2015/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Design of Cluster supply for wood chips for municipalities or Prijpolje, Priboj and Nova Varos and training for woody biomass supply for suppliers of CHP in Krusevac, Serbia
2015/Revara srl, Italy Consultancy in wood pellet procurement for Italian market from Balkans, Baltics, Ukraine and Russia, wood supply and development of wood pellet factory in Western Balkans/ Serbia, Croatia, B&H, Montenegro, Baltic counties, Ukraine, Russia
2014-2015/Suma Plan doo, B&H Consulting in forest management planning in National Park Djerdap for Forest Management units: Derdap, Desna Reka, Cezava, Leva Reka, Boljetinka, Serbia
2014/Masinoprojekt Kopring AD, Belgrade, Serbia Preparation on Study on agro biomass mobilization potentials for CHP power plant in PKB, Belgrade, Serbia
2014/Suprojekt doo, Subotica Project of Multifunctional riparian buffer for Palic Lake, Serbia
2014/GIZ DKTI, Serbia office  Preparation of the Study of wood pellet production and consumption in Serbia
2014/RES Invest Holding GmbH, Austria  Consultancy in biomass procurement for district heating plants in Serbia
2014/REECO SRB doo, Serbia  Organization of Biomass/Bioenergy Conference BEO2014 in frame of RENEXPO WB fair in Belgrade, Serbia
2013-2014/iC consulenten, Austria  Biomass availability assessment in selected regions for CHP and DH development in frame of Pre-feasibility Studies for Serbian cities/municipalities: Bajina Bašta, Čačak, Jagodina, Kikinda, Kladovo, Knjaževac, Kosjerić, Negotin, Nova Varoš, Novi Pazar, Priboj, Šabac, Trstenik, Velika Plana, Zrenjanin
2012-2014/Resurs centre Majdanpek, Serbia  Developing guidelines for private forest owners on wood and biomass products, machinery procurement and training program for biomass logistic and trade centre, Serbia
2012-2014/GreenGold Asset Management AB, Stockholm, Sweden  Analysing opportunities for investments in forestry and agriculture in Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia
2013/Romply Merops, SRL, Calarasi, Romania Procurement of raw material from Serbia and Croatia for plywood factory in Romania, Development of veneer capacities in Croatia
2013/Bioten SA, Thessaloniki, Greece  Development of pellet and charcoal production and trade in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina
2013/CNVP, Netherlands  Organizing CNVP activities related to private forest owners’ associations in Serbia

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